Behavioral Intake Form
Prior to our Initial Behavior Consultation, please click on the button below and fill out the form on behavior history. When the form is submitted, I will contact you to set up the Initial Consultation and email you a copy.
Group Class Forms - Not available at this time
Please fill out this form to be registered for any group classes. Please indicate on the form which class you are interested in. Please note that you might be referred to a different class if the one you register for is full or if the trainer feels the group class is inappropriate for your dog at the time.
Day Camp Form - Not available at this time
Please fill out this form to register for Day Camps and indicate which camp you are registering for.
Supervised Practice/Play Session Registration Form - Not available at this time
Please fill out this form to be placed on the list for supervised play or practice sessions. You will be contacted with dates, times and meeting locations.
Foster Support Form
If you are fostering for Lander Pet Connection or another rescue and wish to receive a discount on either your foster pet or your own, please fill out this form. Submission of this form does not guarantee discount amount.